Last Thursday we had a breakfast seminar with Mindmakers PR about the joint offer Generation Mix. We got a very good response and it's really nice that so many people see the importance of working on this issue. Really good inspiration for our continued work!
Every company wants to have a successful and well-known employer brand, but not all succeed. However, in order to truly present an attractive image of what it's like to be part of your organisation, there's only one way to go - you need to become an attractive employer to your target audiences. To do this, you need to dare to listen really and deeply to both existing and potential employees. It may hurt when buds burst, but it's worth it.
Research shows that companies where people interact across generations are more creative and also more socially sustainable. A mixed-age workplace is not only more dynamic, it is also necessary to meet the future challenges of skills shortages in many sectors. We help you meet the future with Generation Mix.
Being transparent is a hygiene factor for companies today - not only externally, but also internally. Employees expect constant access to information, ongoing communication and want to know what is happening within the company. But many employees feel drowned in an information overload they can't handle. The line between being transparent and over-informing is not always easy to see.
Prosperous employees who enjoy their work not only have more fun, they are also more productive. That's why every investment in employees is an investment in the company. People who feel good in their workplace are motivated to do a good job, which benefits everyone in the long run. A sustainable culture is created by a range of actions. Here are a few points we always stress.
This autumn, Involve and its sister agency Mindmakers are launching the Generation Mix offer. John Mellkvist, PR consultant at Mindmakers, has been pushing the issue of ageism for some time and interest is growing. The need for companies to manage generational change is growing, and more people are striving to have a good generational mix in the workplace.