
Breakfast seminar - Compliance and Ethics

If you fake it, you won't make it!

Compliance & Ethics is so much more than following the law - it's about risk mitigation, culture and ethics. Complexity is a challenge for many companies, and there is great risk in believing that a code of conduct will do the job. 

So what do companies need to do to successfully implement and activate their Compliance policy? 

 Welcome to a breakfast seminar where Involve will tell you more about the risks, how to succeed and what Ethical Blindness really is.

When: 23 October
Where: Birger Jarlsgatan 57B, 4th floor.
Breakfast will be served from 08.00 and the presentation will start at 08.30.

Involve helps its clients, through smart educational communication platforms, to create insights that lead to behavioural change - because therein lies real impact.

Register by 21 October.

Hope to see you there!

Our offers:

Strategy communication and activation

