
Involve's Fiona Miller wins Best European Learning Material Awards!

We know that Fiona's pedagogical creativity and unfailing ability to make sense of the complex always benefits our clients, as do they. Whether it's sustainability strategies, compliance, trucks or pharmaceuticals, she takes on assignments with great enthusiasm and a creative joy that rubs off and delivers noticeable results for clients.

What many people don't know, however, is that Fiona has spent all her years at Involve writing English language teaching materials for middle school students in her spare time. More than 20 years ago, Fiona and Involve's founder Annicka Pärson won several awards, including the Europrix, the New Media Prize and the EMMA Awards for the educational computer game The A-files. Now Fiona has struck again. With the Skills series of learning materials, she and her co-authors will win the bronze medal when the 2021 Best European Learning Material Awards (BELMA) are announced.

This is what Fiona says:

"It feels very fun! I'm really passionate about making learning meaningful and relevant regardless of the target group. Writing for children means you can be a little extra creative and encourage curiosity, something I also try to bring to Involve's clients"

We at Involve are so proud and happy for Fiona!

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